Hello friends! Today I got to live out every girl's dream: I was a princess! But not just
any princess, Princess Anna from the Disney movie, Frozen. My AP Chemistry teacher's 4-year-old daughter is the ultimate Frozen fangirl and has the coolest mom ever who got Queen Elsa and Princess Anna to attend her birthday party (aka my friend Lindsey and I). We spent the afternoon playing in "snow", constructing crafts, taking photos, and creating memories. I'd like to share my journey of going from plain to princess in case your royal opportunity ever arrives and my tips on how to create any type of costume inexpensively and in a timely manner!
At first glance, one would think there is no way to re-create this outfit without going to Party City and spending $50+ on an adult princess dress, but this is where creativity and resourcefulness come into play!
I was initially inspired by this picture I found while browsing on the University of Texas Kappa Delta Instagram page and thought thought this was totally achievable! This look exemplified basic, easy to find pieces similar to the actual outfit, allowing you to effortlessly achieve this look. I thought to myself,"I only need a blue skirt, long-sleeve mint top, black tank, and a cape (which would be the tricky part)".
The final look accompanied by a star-struck little girl. Lindsey's dress is actually her prom dress from the pervious year, which made a perfect gown for Queen Elsa. Knowing that I was looking for very specific pieces to wear only once, I didn't opt for the mall, not wanting to spend a lot of cash. I actually found the mint collared blouse (originally from Forever 21) and black velvet tank (originally from Target) at Goodwill! The blouse ended up looking more like the actual Anna top than if I would've gone to Target and spent $15 on a t-shirt. It is important to put your money into more unique pieces that are more important to you. For example, you don't have to spend $75 on a Ralph Lauren sweater, when you can one at a very similar style, giving off the same look at Forever 21. That way, you can put your money into something like Tory Burch Miller sandals - an item making you feel like a million bucks and not found anywhere else. I already owned the blue skirt (from Macy's, I believe) and I borrowed my mom's Michel Kors black boots for my fabulous footwear. As for the cape, I felt as if I was frantically running out of options, until my mom brought up a long, mauve skirt from the back of her closet and most likely the 1980's. With a few snips, pins, and a clip-on earring for embellishment, the skirt had become a cape! I'm not sure if Elsa's powers had anything to do with it, but it was magical.
To amplify my regal appearance, I packed on the blush for overly rosy cheeks and added some freckles for a more animated, Anna look. No princess is complete without her crown, so for the finishing touch I sported this sovereign jewel on top of my head.
Family photo op! Here my friend Lindsey and I are joined by our awesome teacher, Mrs. Mitchell, her husband, and her little princesses.
Today I am reminded of my role as an adolescent to younger girls. As a child, I remember thinking "wow I can't wait to dress like a teenager and drive like a teenager and talk like a teenager". It is not until this age that we understand the significance of our actions and how they may affect the 4-year-old girl saying "I can't wait to be a teenager". I had such a fun afternoon seeing many little princesses excited just to see the
real Princess Anna. It's easy as a high school student to get caught up in being selfish and doing things that will benefit ourselves, like school work, a sport, or a job. While those things are important, character growth is found by serving others, even if it's something as simple (and fun) as being a princess for a day. Some people are worth melting for.
Yours truly, Sara